Special events

Our Club has a tradition of holding a number of special events throughout the year. The events are open to Club members and visitors alike, but you must purchase a ticket in advance. The Covid lockdowns and the move to the RAFA Club brought a halt to these events, but we have made an excellent comeback with our Christmas 2023 event and a Bastille Day celebration in July 2024.

Christmas Party 2023

Friday 17th December 2023

Our seasonal celebration was hosted in the main room of the RAFA Club and featured an excellent Christmas lunch from the RAFA kitchen, a traditional pantomime written by Laurie, and a Pairs game with two sections playing the same boards to give a combined result.

More photographs from the day are available here.

The pantomime was filmed and can be watched via this link using the password 'WOE' (with thanks to Simon Bailey and Steve Alexander).

The bridge competition was won by David Maydew and Loretta McLaughlin; the full result is available as usual.

Events from Previous Years

Photos from the 2020 Burns Night held at Henleaze Bowling Club are available here.

Photos from the 2019 Christmas Party are available here.

Photos from the 2017 Bastille Day event are available here.

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Bastille Day

12th July 2024

The 2024 Bastille Day celebration was "another really good fun event" (to quote one player). Baguettes, wine, cheese and a game of French-oriented bridge were enjoyed by many, thanks to the organisation by Jen and helpers. Results are here.

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